31 Days of BL Challenge (2021 edition)
Welcome to our second 31 Days of BL Challenge in English!

For those who don’t know, this challenge consists of 31 questions about BL manga where each one must be answered one day at a time. It can be done anywhere, but we decided to invite everyone to do it together for a month with us on Twitter.
Last year’s challenge was a great success, so we decided to establish some new rules to help everyone who wants to participate.
You can check the Portuguese version of the challenge in this link. And the Spanish version in this link.
Start: July 1st (01/07/2021)
End: July 31st (31/07/2021)
- Answers to challenge questions must be posted through Twitter. We ask that each answer has the hashtag #31DaysOfBLchallenge or has mentioned @blymeyaoi in the tweet so that we can give RT in all possible answers according to the corresponding day.
- For people who want participate in the Challenge after it started, we ask that you start responding from the question of that day and continue from there. For example, if a person wants to participate and the challenge is already on the 7th day, so they must respond from 7th quesion onwards. There isn’t needed to answer the previous days.
- The focus of the challenge is to talk about Yaoi/Boys Love comics, so comics from any country can be mentioned as answers. You don’t need to focus only on Japan, and BL webcomics are also valid answers!
- Therefore, we ask you to avoid posting about original anime, BL Games, Light Novel, novels, etc. Or comics that are not BL (unless it’s asked).
- To avoid problems, we ask for the participants to NOT mention the @ of the author or post any scanlation link on the answers of the challenge on Twitter.
Last year we didn’t have a lot of problems with this, but as a precaution we ask everyone to be understanding and to not attack others due to their taste. Your favorite manga may be one that someone else hates and vice versa.
Unlike last year, we will not compile the answers due to the large number of participants. So we ask you to reinforce the use of the hashtag #31DaysOfBLchallenge so that everyone can check the answers after the challenge ends.
Here is the official image with all the challenge’s questions:

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Olá, qual o mangá da capa da postagem?